Tournament Information

Please read the following information before signing the consent form. 

Essential Information

Date: Sunday 6th August

Location: Secret Beach Bar & Kitchen, Mumbles Rd, Brynmill, Swansea SA2 0AY

Hospitality: The Secret Beach Bar & Kitchen will be selling food and alcoholic and soft drinks.  Nellie May’s Fish and Chips Co will also be in attendance selling amazing food on the go. You are also welcome to bring your own picnic to eat on the beach. Please note that alcoholic beverages will not be allowed off the courtyard, and we do not have a licence for alcohol to be consumed around the football pitches on the beach.

Parking and facilities: For further information on parking, toilet facilities and music line-up, please CLICK HERE.

Safety: During the football festival, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to keep their child safe. This event is open to the public; therefore, children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. We do not advise children to swim in the sea during the event, however, if children do enter the water, the responsibility for the child’s safety is solely upon the parent/guardian. If a child becomes lost, please inform a member of the event team ASAP. We advise all children to wear sunscreen and bring plenty of drinking water to the event. The safety of the children is paramount, and the volunteers will be thoroughly cleaning the sand prior to the game to make sure that there is no debris that will cause damage. Each game will be manned by referees to make sure there is no foul play or injuries caused. In the event of an accident, there will also be a first aider on hand in the registration tent. Joseph’s Smile and the organisers are not liable for any injuries caused in play, and will be doing their upmost to make sure that the event is as safe as possible for all players.


10:30 – 11:00: Team Registration. Please register your team at the registration gazebo that is situated on the outdoor courtyard of the Secret Beach Bar.

11:15: Meeting for all the coaches

11:30: Tournament begins. Please see the tournament rules above.

2pm: Adults football match, including special guests Shane Williams, Lee Trundle and Nathan Dyer, with Kev John’s hosting and comparing the event.

2:45pm: Medal presentation on stage. Medals will be presented by our special guests.

11am-6pm: Live music will be played throughout the tournament. Full timings and listings will be displayed on the event page. Please CLICK HERE

Tournament Rules

  • This is a 5-aside football tournament and both Under 7s and Under 8s will play with a Goalkeeper.
  • There is no limit on substitutions, however, the more substitutes will result in less playing time.
  • Players will be playing on soft sand and must not wear any shoes or football boots. Players must either play barefoot, or wear socks. Shin pads can be worn at the players discretion.
  • Each game will be played for 7 minutes, and the air horn will sound at the start and at the end of each game. We have reduced the play time for each game due to the difficulty of playing on soft sand.
  • There will be 3 minutes between each game, and it is the responsibility of the coaches to make sure that all players are in position ready to start. We will do our upmost to make sure that no team plays 2 games back-to-back.
  • A more detailed version of the tournament rules can be downloaded by clicking the following link: TOURNAMENT RULES
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  • Have fun; it’s what we’re all here for!
  • Celebrate effort and good play from both sides.
  • Always respect the Referee and coaches and encourage players to do the same.
  • Stay behind the touchline and give players space to play.
  • When players make mistakes, offer them encouragement to try again next time.
  • Never engage in, or tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour.

Players Registration Form

This form is to be completed by the coach of the registered team only. 

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